Wednesday, July 8, 2009

rodent games

he wants enough feed
to get him through the morning
but the royal family says
he should get his food from elsewhere

those kernals are for the birds
nuts are for your type
it was declared last teusday
in the king's third decree

forced to scavange for food
as there are many of his type
born into the wrong class
grew up in the wrong schools

sometimes in the late evening
when no one is watching
he scales the metal pole
and grabs a bit of food

some kings could care less
realizing there is plenty for all
some have no patience
and shoot bullets as a warning

what kind of king am I?
oh, I am not a king
i am just a middle man
somewhere inbetween

I have no land of my own
i have no feed to share
i do other things
and besides, I don't really care

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