Lists increase productivity, stress, lead and inc usage, knowledge of one's ideas of meaning and hopefully the ability to carry through with goals.
Lists decrease the average number of years that trees live, stress, and the number of times one can use the excuse "I forgot."
To list or no? For beginners, a good place to start is to make an all-inclusive list of everything one wants to do, ever. Run across a continent, live with some nomadic indigenous folks for a while etc. Don't start with narrow goals because narrow lists produce narrow results.
or, as kids say, 'narrow-uhh,' with the additional vowel sound at the end of the word to increase dramatic effect.
Then if you feel content with a life list - break it down chronologically.
Years list, then month list, then week list - and for the ambitious a daily list. Maybe even an hours list or a minutes list. I could spend all day making lists! I love lists! Lists for everything!
A few list qualities:
1. have numbers.
2. ebb and flow like paper boats floating down a creek.
3. (if written on paper) can catch on fire, just like other kinds of paper.
4. can be your friend, or they can be your enemy. Diplomatic power is important when dealing with lists.
5. You can write them on mirrors with deoderant.
6. You can write them on yellow legal pads with wet tree bark.
7. Or Microsoft Word.
8. Lists annihiliate boredom.
The endless abyss of list possibilities is worth exploration.
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