common territory
the common's terrier
what do all of these have in common?
first glance it's difficult to see
but after three reads most all can see the commonality
try it.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
are you Bohemian?
Find out:
"Any good mixer of convivial habits considers he has a right to be called a Bohemian. But that is not a valid claim. There are two elements, at least, that are essential to Bohemianism. The first is devotion or addiction to one or more of the Seven Arts; the other is poverty. Other factors suggest themselves: for instance, I like to think of my Bohemians as young, as radical in their outlook on art and life; as unconventional, and, though this is debatable, as dwellers in a city large enough to have the somewhat cruel atmosphere of all great cities."
-George Sterling
"Any good mixer of convivial habits considers he has a right to be called a Bohemian. But that is not a valid claim. There are two elements, at least, that are essential to Bohemianism. The first is devotion or addiction to one or more of the Seven Arts; the other is poverty. Other factors suggest themselves: for instance, I like to think of my Bohemians as young, as radical in their outlook on art and life; as unconventional, and, though this is debatable, as dwellers in a city large enough to have the somewhat cruel atmosphere of all great cities."
-George Sterling
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Prone to Ramble
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Draft

I found the 'best places to work' in the government. Data was collected and used to rank agencies based on pay and benefits, family friends culture, work life/balanace, training and development, support for diversity and effective leadership just to name a few.
Environment and Natural Resource Division is number one on the list. The last on the list (of 216 agencies) is the Office of Postsecondary Education. Congratulations nature preservers! I'm sorry, teachers.
Tax division comes in at #9
Office of Water at #113
Bureau of Prisons and the Secret Service tie at #164.
Office of Timothy Hall at #22 and
the Office of Thrift Supervision (treasury) at #39
now go to USA jobs (dot com) and work for the government!
maybe, if you want to.
*this message was paid for by tax payers
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Lists increase productivity, stress, lead and inc usage, knowledge of one's ideas of meaning and hopefully the ability to carry through with goals.
Lists decrease the average number of years that trees live, stress, and the number of times one can use the excuse "I forgot."
To list or no? For beginners, a good place to start is to make an all-inclusive list of everything one wants to do, ever. Run across a continent, live with some nomadic indigenous folks for a while etc. Don't start with narrow goals because narrow lists produce narrow results.
or, as kids say, 'narrow-uhh,' with the additional vowel sound at the end of the word to increase dramatic effect.
Then if you feel content with a life list - break it down chronologically.
Years list, then month list, then week list - and for the ambitious a daily list. Maybe even an hours list or a minutes list. I could spend all day making lists! I love lists! Lists for everything!
A few list qualities:
1. have numbers.
2. ebb and flow like paper boats floating down a creek.
3. (if written on paper) can catch on fire, just like other kinds of paper.
4. can be your friend, or they can be your enemy. Diplomatic power is important when dealing with lists.
5. You can write them on mirrors with deoderant.
6. You can write them on yellow legal pads with wet tree bark.
7. Or Microsoft Word.
8. Lists annihiliate boredom.
The endless abyss of list possibilities is worth exploration.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
A kid, a pig, and some cow feed
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Cheers to logic!
cheers to logic and all it's successes!
cheers to tradition and how far it's brought us!
cheers to well-laid foundations!
cheers to our forefathers and their forefathers before that!
To progress, they looked back
but while you are climbing, don't look down
because you might see a twinkie on the ground and want to pick it up and eat it.
But leave that twinkie there, it's not good for you.
Instead, eat grapes. Grapes are good, especially when ripe and juicy. Slowly your cravings will change and then everything you read will seem new and exciting. When your diet is full of vitamins and nutrients, the future is more likely to feel new and exciting. No reason for it not to be. No reason to choose twinkies over grapes.
So, like the greats before me, I'll build a disciplined diet based on principles firmly rooted in the historical tradition that I ascribe to and sidestep those twinkies!
cheers to tradition and how far it's brought us!
cheers to well-laid foundations!
cheers to our forefathers and their forefathers before that!
To progress, they looked back
but while you are climbing, don't look down
because you might see a twinkie on the ground and want to pick it up and eat it.
But leave that twinkie there, it's not good for you.
Instead, eat grapes. Grapes are good, especially when ripe and juicy. Slowly your cravings will change and then everything you read will seem new and exciting. When your diet is full of vitamins and nutrients, the future is more likely to feel new and exciting. No reason for it not to be. No reason to choose twinkies over grapes.
So, like the greats before me, I'll build a disciplined diet based on principles firmly rooted in the historical tradition that I ascribe to and sidestep those twinkies!
Monday, August 3, 2009
The King's Decree Ordering Men to Wear Breifs
Dearest citizens of my lands,
There are a few rumors that I must cofirm as it is my responsibility to be a transparent and explanitory leader. I must set an example of all that is right, and so I meditate on my image day and night, to ensure that I eminate upright vibes, especially in terms of the arts. In my castle: I only allow G-rated movies, all of the paintings are of Biblical figures, all songs sung are Gregorian chants, so why do I enjoy prancing around with no pants? I will tell you why, citizens of my lands. Consider my thinking:
This is the new age! We must leave the old ways behind and embrace the new truths. To be more specific they are new versions of old truths, like putting those gel soles in old battered shoes. Pants are unnecessary, we must understand! It is all part of the evolutionary plan!
A conservative king strutting about in his breifs? I don't want to be scandelous - I want my knees to feel free! I went from a robe to a suit, then from pants to capris, but now I have realized that I only need breifs. Kings of other nations are doing the same, though we still wear socks because we don't condone streaking.
Speaking of streaking I would never dare streak, that's as profane as growing hairs on your exposed face cheeks. Beards are old-fashioned, evil and dirty. Mustaches are worse; one of the seven deadly style sins.
Citizens of my land, a new decree has been made for the men. Obey these rules, they are the Mighty Fashion Trends:
1. Breifs and Socks are the only articles of clothing permitted for men to wear in public.
2. No beards.
3. No mustaches.
There are a few rumors that I must cofirm as it is my responsibility to be a transparent and explanitory leader. I must set an example of all that is right, and so I meditate on my image day and night, to ensure that I eminate upright vibes, especially in terms of the arts. In my castle: I only allow G-rated movies, all of the paintings are of Biblical figures, all songs sung are Gregorian chants, so why do I enjoy prancing around with no pants? I will tell you why, citizens of my lands. Consider my thinking:
This is the new age! We must leave the old ways behind and embrace the new truths. To be more specific they are new versions of old truths, like putting those gel soles in old battered shoes. Pants are unnecessary, we must understand! It is all part of the evolutionary plan!
A conservative king strutting about in his breifs? I don't want to be scandelous - I want my knees to feel free! I went from a robe to a suit, then from pants to capris, but now I have realized that I only need breifs. Kings of other nations are doing the same, though we still wear socks because we don't condone streaking.
Speaking of streaking I would never dare streak, that's as profane as growing hairs on your exposed face cheeks. Beards are old-fashioned, evil and dirty. Mustaches are worse; one of the seven deadly style sins.
Citizens of my land, a new decree has been made for the men. Obey these rules, they are the Mighty Fashion Trends:
1. Breifs and Socks are the only articles of clothing permitted for men to wear in public.
2. No beards.
3. No mustaches.
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